Passive Aggressive Husband (15 Signs You Have One & Dealing With It)

Passive Aggressive Husband (15 Signs You Accept I & Dealing With It)

by Sonya Schwartz

Exercise you find yourself arguing with your husband a lot? Perhaps y'all show frustration and anger differently to the fashion he does? Practise y'all think your husband is passive-aggressive? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this article is here to help you. A lot of people are passive aggressive in situations that acrimony them. Others that aren't passive aggressive find it hard to go through to them, to actually sort out the consequence between them and move on positively. Being in a relationship, and especially being married to someone that'south passive aggressive can accept its toll.

So, this article is hither to assist you lot to recognize if your partner is passive ambitious, and guide you through some ways in which you tin can effort and deal with your partner. Hopefully, after reading this article you volition be set up to face your husband and nip the passive-ambitious behavior in the bud once and for all - hopefully, the corporeality your arguing volition decrease too!


  • 1 How Can You Tell If Your Partner Is Passive Aggressive?
  • 2 Signs Of Passive Aggresive Behaviour
    • 2.1 1 . Never Takes Responsibility For His Actions
    • 2.two ii . He Doesn't Make Effort, Unless Information technology's Something He Wants To Practise
    • 2.iii three . He Volition Be The Victim In Every State of affairs
    • ii.four four . They Will Never Acknowledge That They Are Angry
  • 3 10 Means You Tin can Bargain With A Passive Aggressive Spouse
    • iii.1 i . Don't Let Them Get To Y'all
    • 3.2 ii . Cease Yourself From Re-doing Tasks They Were Supposed To Practise
    • 3.iii iii . Directly Tell Them When They Accept Washed Something Wrong
    • 3.4 4 . Praise Them For The Things They Do Well
    • iii.5 five . Don't Have The Blame Anymore
    • 3.half dozen half dozen . Set Boundaries Of What Yous Will and Won't Have
    • 7 . Tell Your Partner How Difficult You lot Find The Way He Acts
    • 3.8 8 . Endeavour To Assistance Your Partner Open up Upwards To You
    • 3.9 9 . See A Professional
    • iii.ten ten . Respect Yourself
  • 4 Conclusion

How Tin can You lot Tell If Your Partner Is Passive Ambitious?

The start thing we're going to do is take a look at some of the ways yous might be able to tell if your partner is passive aggressive or not. If you are reading this commodity, then you will probably be certain that your partner shows passive aggression, but it's useful to accept a wait at the signs to be sure, simply in case your husband has a personality disorder or something like.

Signs Of Passive Aggresive Behaviour

ane . Never Takes Responsibility For His Deportment

A person with passive aggressive behavior volition never accept responsibleness for their ain actions, peculiarly non when they are actions that have hurt someone else. They volition arraign y'all for annihilation that goes wrong, even if information technology'due south their mistake and y'all oasis't done annihilation wrong - you could even be the one that they upset. They will never admit that their actions were wrong, and until you lot tell them you take the blame for what happened, they won't be able to motility on from it. Fifty-fifty if you explain to them what they have done wrong, they will make excuses in an attempt to comprehend their wrongdoings. Ultimately, a passive aggressive person volition e'er make sure yous're the ane in the incorrect.

2 . He Doesn't Make Effort, Unless Information technology's Something He Wants To Do

Someone with passive ambitious behavior will seemingly be awful at doing things they don't necessarily desire to do. For example, if a passive aggressive person hates doing the laundry or cleaning the house, they will put minimal effort into doing these things, and you lot volition probably stop upwardly re-doing information technology for them. They are showing you how picayune they care about these things and they will expect y'all to do information technology for them. They will do such an awful and incompetent job of things that you lot will never ask them to do it once more, and you may find yourself taking on nearly every household chore. They're being manipulative because this was their desired issue.

3 . He Will Be The Victim In Every Situation

Equally we touched on above, someone with passive aggressive beliefs doesn't take any responsibleness for their actions and tries to blame others for the bug they crusade. However, they too manage to make themselves the victim in every state of affairs they tin can. They want people to feel sorry for them and testify compassion towards them. Even when they are the ones in the wrong, they are able to spin the situation so they expect like the one that's been difficult washed by.

four . They Will Never Admit That They Are Aroused

4 . They Will Never Admit That They Are Angry

Passive aggressive people testify their anger at situations in an indirect mode, unlike others that show acrimony directly. Therefore, a person that has passive aggressive behavior will never admit that they are aroused considering of a situation. They refuse to be open about the fact they take been angered or annoyed about something, but they will exhibit behaviors of stubbornness and might even give you the silent treatment if you're the 1 they are angry with. Yous won't be able to accept a conversation about the problem, instead, they will close down.

x Means You Can Bargain With A Passive Aggressive Spouse

If yous're sure that you are in a relationship with someone that shows passive aggression, there are some ways y'all can deal with it. You can even change the person's behavior over time so that they offset to prove their anger or upset in a different fashion. Take a look at the ten ways you can deal with passive aggression beneath, and give them a go.

1 . Don't Permit Them Get To Y'all

This sounds a lot easier than information technology is, and I understand that, but it's something you volition need to work on. If you are married to a passive aggressive person, you need to make sure that their beliefs doesn't affect you too much, otherwise, yous might as well get-go to take on passive aggressive behaviors. It tin be useful to rationalize your partner'southward actions and realize that they are only responding in this way because they have something wrong with them. Every fourth dimension your partner shows passive aggression towards yous, you can walk abroad or effort your best to understand why they are acting the mode they are, otherwise, it volition really get to y'all and you volition notice yourself getting upset and frustrated with them.

2 . Stop Yourself From Re-doing Tasks They Were Supposed To Do

Higher up, we looked at the fact your partner will half-heartedly do the tasks they have been given considering they don't desire to do them. If nosotros look at cleaning the house as an instance, your partner might kickoff procrastinate to clean the house. Then, when they finally go effectually to cleaning, they might put minimal effort in, so that the house doesn't get any better, - they are doing this in the promise that you will re-do information technology for them. If you know that y'all practice this, stop doing it immediately. Information technology's non your responsibility to accept on extra household chores because they haven't done a good chore. As soon equally y'all stop re-doing the tasks that your partner has washed a bad job, they might first to complain that the firm looks untidy. When they practise, you tin can merely reply by saying something like, "well, that was your job". Every bit soon as they realize that yous aren't going to make everything overnice for them, they will start to put more effort into it. They might also realize how hard you lot work maintaining such a lovely environment.

3 . Directly Tell Them When They Have Done Something Wrong

You lot shouldn't accept to deal with the kind of behavior that your partner is exhibiting, so don't let it happen. Passive aggressive people commonly avoid confrontation, considering they prefer to bargain with things and show their acrimony indirectly. Information technology'south your job not to stoop to their level - be direct with them. If you treat your partner passively aggressively, the two of you will simply go round in circles, never getting anywhere or solving any bug. You lot demand to be direct with your spouse and tell them when they are doing things that acrimony you or upset yous. y'all demand to be specific about the way in which your partner has angered yous if yous are ever going to go through to them. As before long as they do something you aren't happy with, bring information technology upwardly. Invite them to speak with you nigh it.

4 . Praise Them For The Things They Do Well

It's of import that you lot praise your passive ambitious partner when they do things well, or they listen to your feelings when they have upset or angered yous. At the cease of the day, yous aren't going to establish a salubrious spousal relationship if you are constantly against your partner about the negative things they are doing. When they have taken something on lath that you have said, it's vital that you commend them for it. Praise them equally much equally possible when they are open with you nigh their negative feelings or put effort into doing a task you lot know they don't desire to do or admit they are wrong in a state of affairs. Your partner volition start to learn that when they are more direct with you, they become praise for it. They want to be praised and loved by you, and then they will showtime to act in a more direct and positive way with you.

five . Don't Accept The Blame Anymore

5 . Don't Take The Blame Anymore

One of the best ways you tin can stop your partner exhibiting passive aggressive beliefs is to finish accepting the blame when he blames you. Every time you accept the arraign for something you haven't washed wrong, yous are accepting their passive aggression. Stop taking the arraign or letting them make you feel guilty. When they try to blame you, only say that you don't accept information technology and you're not sorry for something you didn't to - because you shouldn't be. Your communication over the issue might come to a standstill for a bit, merely yourspouse might also realize they are the ones in the wrong, and they need to have the arraign.

half dozen . Set Boundaries Of What You Volition and Won't Accept

If you set boundaries on what you volition and won't accept from your partner when information technology comes to your partner'southward behavior, this tin can make managing information technology a lot easier. Have a good think near what is adequate to you, and what isn't. Yous might exist able to get on quite well with some aspects of your partner's behavior, and some of them you but won't be able to handle. Choose which kind of behaviors are unacceptable to you and which are making your life hard, and make certain you set these as your boundaries. After you lot have decided which behaviors y'all won't tolerate, you tin can let your partner know. Hopefully, he will adhere to these boundaries and work on these aspects of himself.

7 . Tell Your Partner How Difficult You lot Discover The Fashion He Acts

Your spouse might not even realize that he is acting in a passive aggressive manner - this is normally the case with people who have always shown passive aggressive behavior. Your partner might simply think that the 2 of you are just having union problems, he might not realize he is causing them due to the style he acts. So, you need to tell him how the way he acts makes you feel. Your spouse isn't out to hurt you, and in one case he realizes that he is upsetting you, he might work on his behavior and endeavour to change it.

8 . Endeavor To Help Your Partner Open Up To You

People are passive aggressive because they feel like they can't be open up, or they don't know how to be. You tin aid your partner to be more than open with yous by creating a prophylactic environment for him. You volition demand to make certain that whenever he does open up upward to you lot or tries to, you lot encourage it and you lot make him feel like his feelings are existence listened to. This guy might have never had someone to be open with, so it might take him some time. You can tell him that you want to mind, you want to help him and you capeesh him being open with you. When he does try to be open with you, make sure you don't turn it into an argument - continue it peaceful and calm.

9 . Run into A Professional

If you are finding information technology particularly difficult to deal with your spouse's behavior, it might be a good thought to run into a therapist, or union counselor/spousal relationship educator. You tin can get by yourself to talk to someone with no judgment simply information technology's best to go with your spouse and try to sort through your feelings together. Sometimes couples find information technology easier to speak openly with each other when there is someone there to guide them through it and be a mediator.

10 . Respect Yourself

10 . Respect Yourself

You need to always retrieve to respect yourself. You don't accept to accept your husband's behavior, peculiarly if it isn't changing. Yous shouldn't stay in a union that you aren't happy in. Of grade, you should attempt all of the methods available to you first to make it better and work through information technology, merely always remember to stay happy within yourself and within the relationship - if y'all're not, leaving might exist your only option.


I really hope this commodity has provided some of the ways yous tin deal with your passive aggressive spouse, and I promise you can work through it together and take a long and healthy marriage.

Did you lot similar this article? If you lot did, please let the states know in the comments.

Sonya Schwartz

A hopeless romantic that struggled for many years to find her Mr "Right" and made all the mistakes you could call back of while dating. Known for always choosing the wrong guys or messing up relationships, Sonya was finally able to alter her approach and mindset when it came to dating which helped her eventually observe the human of her dreams and become happily married. You can read more than about me here...


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