What causes Arsat to tell his story to the white man? answers.com

Cause and Effect Examples

"Crusade and effect" is a relationship between events or things, where i is the result of the other or others. This is a combination of activity and reaction. Something happens (a cause) that leads to an effect. Heave your understanding of this important concept by reviewing some key cause and issue examples.

boy broken arm cause and effect male child broken arm cause and upshot

Examples of Cause and Effect

When you're trying to understand what is crusade and effect, it can be helpful to review some examples.

  • Cause: Nosotros received 7 inches of rain in 4 hours. Effect: The underpass was flooded.
  • Cause: I never brush my teeth. Effect: I have v cavities.
  • Cause: I've smoked cigarettes daily for xx years. Issue: I have lung cancer.
  • Cause: Many buffalo were killed. Effect: Buffalo almost became extinct.
  • Cause: The streets were snow-packed and icy. Effect: Cars needed more than time to stop.
  • Cause: He broke his arm. Event: The doc put it in a cast.
  • Cause: The boss was decorated. Issue: Her secretarial assistant took a bulletin.
  • Crusade: A basketball actor was traveling. Effect: The referee called a penalisation.
  • Crusade: I flipped the calorie-free switch. Effect: The light came on.
  • Cause: An oil spill causes rough oil to spill into the water. Event: Many plants and animals in the water died.
  • Cause: A child eats only junk food and never does annihilation active. Outcome: The child is obese.

Cause and Effect Examples in Sentences

Of form, information that yous're exposed to on a regular basis is unremarkably presented in judgement form. Review a selection of cause and effect sentences for more than insights into cause and effect relationships.

Cause and Effect in Daily Life

There are many examples of crusade and upshot in daily life. You tin probably relate to some of the post-obit examples.

  • A tornado blew the roof off the business firm, and as a consequence, the family had to observe another place to live.
  • Because the alarm was not set, we were late for work.
  • Since school was canceled, nosotros went to the mall.
  • John made a rude comment, so Elise hit him.
  • The meal we ordered was cheaper than expected, so nosotros ordered dessert.
  • Betty completed each job perfectly, so she was promoted.
  • I had to get the mop since I spilled my juice.
  • Fred was driving 75 m.p.h. in a 35 mile per hour zone, so he got a speeding ticket.
  • Maria didn't follow the recipe correctly, so the cake did not come out as expected.
  • The weather forecast chosen for rain, so he took his umbrella.
  • Considering of a cost increase, sales are downwardly.
  • The baby was crying, so Dad picked him up.
  • I learned to play the drums chop-chop because I took lessons from a pro.
  • The concoction couldn't hitting the softball considering he didn't go along his eyes on the ball.
  • When the manuscript is edited, the company will publish it.
  • Considering the true cat was frightened, he biconvex his back and fluffed his tail.
  • Since the electricity went out for most of the day, the water ice cream in the freezer melted.
  • Since the refrigerator was practically empty, we had to go to the store.

Cause and Consequence Examples for High School Students

Loftier school textbooks and classes oftentimes include examples of cause and effect. The following examples illustrate concepts students are likely to learn in school.

  • When h2o is heated, the molecules move speedily, therefore the water boils
  • The moon has a gravitational pull, consequently, the oceans have tides.
  • When the bounding main is extremely polluted, coral reefs dice.
  • Since helium rises, a helium balloon floats.
  • There has been an increase in greenhouse gases, therefore global warming is happening.
  • Some believe dinosaurs died out because a large meteor hitting the Earth.
  • Tsunamis happen when tectonic plates shift.
  • Because of a change in how planets are classified, Pluto is no longer a planet.
  • H2o is formed when ii hydrogen atoms and one oxygen cantlet combine.
  • A peacock will spread his feathers so he will attract a female.
  • Every bit the air current speed increases, a sailboat will move faster.
  • When nuclear fusion stops or starts, a star explodes.
  • Wind is produced when the surface of the Globe is heated unevenly.
  • Considering of aggrandizement, the dollar is worth less than earlier.

Cause and Result Exercises

Use these exercise questions to test your ability to separate causes and furnishings. The answers appear simply below the practise items, and then be sure not to skim alee too soon.

Cause and Effect Practice Questions

Read the following items, and then identify the crusade and outcome in each one.

If you train your dog, he volition follow commands.

What is the cause?

What is the upshot?

I skipped dejeuner today, and so I am extremely hungry this evening.

What is the cause?

What is the effect?

I have difficulty trusting people because my last boyfriend lied a lot.

What is the cause?

What is the effect?

She forgot to water her plants, then they all died.

What is the cause?

What is the effect?

He did not report for the test at all, and then he failed it.

What is the cause?

What is the effect?

Practice Question Answers

Later on yous answer the do questions on your own, check your responses against the correct answers listed below.

If you railroad train your domestic dog, he will follow commands.

cause – training the dog

effect – following commands

I skipped lunch today, so I am extremely hungry tonight.

cause – skipping lunch

effect – being extremely hungry

I accept difficulty trusting people considering my last boyfriend lied a lot.

crusade – lying boyfriend

outcome – difficulty trusting people

She forgot to water her plants, so they all died.

cause – forgot to water plants

issue – plants died

He did non study for the test at all, so he failed it.

cause – did not report

effect – failed test

Writing About Cause and Effect Relationships

Examples of cause and effect show how 1 matter can affect another. Now that y'all accept a clear idea of what cause and event means, take a deeper dive into the topic by exploring some cause and upshot essay examples. Then, focus on learning how to write a clear cause and outcome essay. When yous're ready to commencement writing an essay of your ain, use this listing of compelling cause and consequence essay topics to help you brainstorm for ideas of what to write virtually.


Source: https://examples.yourdictionary.com/cause-and-effect-examples.html

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